Yes. However for some orders (such as high value orders) we may call to confirm the order.
No, you can checkout without ever signing up through the website. However, signing up does have some advantages like being able to see the order status, order history, wishlist and not having to enter shipping details every time you purchase something.

Dhaka metropolitan area – TK 60 (1-3 days)
Gazipur, Savar, Naryanganj and Keraniganj – TK 90 (2-3 days)
Outside Dhaka – TK 120 (2-5 days)
While all major city dwellers will receive home delivery some less densely populated locations have a point delivery system where you may have to pick up the parcel from a certain popular location near you.
We ship to all 64 districts within Bangladesh with minor exceptions. The exceptions include Saint Martin and few other islands.
Please message us through Instagram / Facebook / Whatsapp or call us at 01312224789
Please message us through Instagram / Facebook / Whatsapp or call us at 01312224789

– Bkash
– Cash on Delivery
– Nagad (Coming soon)
You have to let us know about returning an item within 48 hours from the period of receiving your package. The delivery man will pick up the item back from your location.
Yes, return fees are applicable. Click here to check out the return fees.
Please read our return policy from the Returns and exchange page for a thorough explanation.